Nov '20

One of the sites I run is a craft business where we want to have a paginated product listing on the front page, but we also want it to be randomised, so that you don’t always get the same products when you first load it.

I wasn’t even sure this was possible when I began looking into it, but thanks to PHP’s ability to seed the randomisation functions, and a bit of careful tapping into Laravel’s core pagination library it is possible.

I’ve split the logic into two functions. One that generates a repeatably randomised set of product records, and another that gives the ability to use Laravel’s paginator on a Collection instance, rather than a query builder instance:


use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;

class ProductController extends \Controller
     * Product index page
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
    public function index()
        return view('product.index')->with('title', 'Products')
                    ->with('products', $this->randomisedPaginatedProducts());

     * Get randomised paginated products
     * @return \Collection
    protected function randomisedPaginatedProducts() {

            $seed = session('seed');
        else {
            $seed = rand(1, 100);
            session()->put('seed', $seed);


        $records = \App\Models\Product::get();

        $range = range(0, $records->count() - 1);

        $randomised = collect($range)->map(function($index) use ($records) {
            return $records[$index];

        return $this->paginateCollection($randomised);

     * Paginate collection
     * @param Collection $items
     * @param int $per_page
     * @param int|null $page
     * @param array $options (path, query, fragment, pageName)
     * @return LengthAwarePaginator
    protected function paginateCollection(Collection $items, int $per_page = null, int $current_page = null, array $options = [])
        $current_page = $current_page ?: (Paginator::resolveCurrentPage() ?: 1);

        return new LengthAwarePaginator($items->forPage($current_page, $per_page), $items->count(), $per_page, $current_page, $options);

The key to this is the seed that we generate and keep in the session (we could equally pass it around in the pagination links if we wanted). The seed here is a number between 1 and 100, but it could be anything, really this just means that there are 100 different combinations of products it could come up with. This seed is used to generate a randomised array of numbers which will correspond to the numeric keys of the list of products, and then the products are sorted into a new array accordingly. Pass these to the paginator and you’re done.

Do be aware that this method requires you to pull all the products out of the database upfront, but for a relatively small total product count it’s no issue.

Oct '19

We’ve all been there. Customer after customer calls saying they haven’t received the email notifications they were expecting from a system. The issues are pretty much always an incorrect address or an over-enthusiastic spam filter, but even so, I decided to start logging all the notifications sent from my applications. If I can track dates, times, senders, and recipients then I’ve got all the evidence I need if there is a query.

Starting with a table for the logs, allowing for tracking of the notifiable record, the recipient user and the sender:

Schema::create('log_notifications', function ($table) {

    $table->index(['parent_id', 'parent_type']);

Then the main code is a trait that can be used by all notifiable models:

trait Notifiable {

    use \Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable {
        notify as coreNotify;

     * Log notification relationship
    public function logNotifications()
        return $this->morphMany('\App\Model\LogNotification', 'parent');

     * Get Sender ID attribute
     * @param  mixed  $value Original value
     * @return integer
    public function getNotifiableSenderIdAttribute($value) {
            return $value;

        return \Auth::check() ? \Auth::user()->id : 0;

     * Get User ID attribute
     * @param  mixed  $value Original value
     * @return integer
    public function getNotifiableUserIdAttribute($value) {
            return $value;

        if(in_array(class_basename(get_called_class()), ['User']))
            return $this->id;

        return \Auth::check() ? \Auth::user()->id : 0;

     * Send the given notification
     * @param  mixed  $notification
     * @return void
    public function notify($instance)
            'user_id' => $this->notifiable_user_id,
            'sender_id' => $this->notifiable_sender_id,
            'email' => $this->email,
            'type' => get_class($notification)


This assumes that you have made a model for the notification logs at ‘\App\Model\LogNotification’, but you can change that to however your architecture is set up.

It also assumes a ‘User’ model class that contains your application users. It may be that it’s only your User model that will be notifiable, in which case you can happily drop the polymorphic parent record as it should always match your user_id.

And there you go. not the most eath-shattering of scripts, but definitely a good one to help ensure your notifications are behaving themselves.

Jul '18

I know I know. Rely too much on traits and you’re asking for trouble. But when used correctly, for self-contained bolt-on functionality they really can be fantastic and save loads of time.

There only condition for this logic is that any record with which you are using this must have a ‘logo’ field. Yeah I know I could have done a more advanced version with a separate logo table and a polymorphic relationship, but it’s not like a standard system will have 2 dozen records that all require logos against them so I’ve kept it simple.

I’ve used the word ‘logo’ here, but it’s a generic image storing trait and could be used for anything. You’ll also notice an optional config option of ‘app.directory.logo’, which, if provided, will be used as a relative path below the application’s public folder, otherwise ‘/logos’ will be used.

This assumes that you have an image referenced as ‘logo_file’ in your request and have triggered a save on the parent record.

namespace App\Trt;

trait Logo
     * Custom boot method
    public static function bootLogo()
         * Trigger on save
        static::saved(function ($record) {

            try {
                if(request()->hasFile('logo_file') && request()->file('logo_file')->isValid()) {
                    $logo_file = request()->file('logo_file');
                    $logo_folder = public_path(config('app.directory.logo', '/logos'));

                    if(is_dir($logo_folder) && is_writable($logo_folder)) {
                        //Prepending the record ID to ensure uniqueness
                        //Could also prepend parent record type / sanitised model name if it's to be used for multiple records
                        $file_name = $record->id . '_' . $logo_file->getClientOriginalName();


                        if($logo_file->move($logo_folder, $file_name)) {
                            $record->logo = $file_name;

                            //Direct update here so we don't trigger any callbacks
                            \DB::table($record->getTable())->where('id', $record->id)->update(['logo' => $file_name]);
                    else {
                        \Log::error('Logo folder is not writable ' . $logo_folder);
                elseif(request()->clear_logo) {
            catch(\Exception $e) {


         * Trigger on delete
        static::deleting(function ($record) {

     * Check for logo
     * @return boolean
    public function hasLogo() {
        return ($this->logo && is_file($this->logoPath()));

     * Logo URL
     * @return string|false
    public function logoURL() {
        return $this->logo ? url(config('app.directory.logo', '/logos') . '/' . $this->logo) : false;

     * Logo Path
     * @return string|false
    public function logoPath() {
        return $this->logo ? public_path(config('app.directory.logo', '/logos') . '/' . $this->logo) : false;

     * Clear Logo
     * @param boolean [$save=true] Save
     * @return boolean
    public function clearLogo($save = true) {
        if($this->logo) {

            $this->logo = null;


            return true;

        return false;

And that’s it!

Jun '18

I’m sure we’ve all been there. You create a nice data structure for a utility and the client says “Ok, but I also need to be able to add a note to it”. You add a note field and then they say “Ok, but I also need to add a note over here”. You add another note field over there and then they say “But I need to be able to add new notes and keep the old ones”. You scream internally, wish they’d told you that in the first place, and start building a more flexible solution.

Well here is my take on it. It’s a separate notes table with a polymorphic association to any and all other records. Their models simply need to use this ‘Notable’ trait. The notes will be created automatically with any save action on the parent model, and have a simple functions to retrieve all notes against a parent, or clear them. Simples.

This assumes that you have either a single ‘note’ parameter in your request, or a ‘notes’ array, and have triggered a save on the parent record.

Table structure:

CREATE TABLE `notes` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `parent_type` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `content` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


namespace App\Trt;

 * Notable trait
trait Notable
     * Custom boot method
    public static function bootNotable()
         * Trigger on create
        static::saved(function ($record) {
            //We check the class name here as otherwise it will get in an infinite loop of trying to add notes below notes
            if(class_basename(get_class($record)) != 'Note' && (request()->note || request()->notes)) {

                if(request()->note) {
                    $record->notes()->create(['content' => request()->note]);

                if(request()->notes && is_array(request()->notes)) {
                    foreach(request()->notes as $note) {
                        $record->notes()->create(['content' => $note]);

         * Trigger on delete
        static::deleting(function ($record) {

     * Note relationship
    public function notes()
        return $this->morphMany('\App\Model\Note', 'parent');

     * Clear all notes
    public function clearNotes() {

I tend to include the ID of the current user in the note too, so that I can display the user name against the note text. Simple case of adding the column to the table and the fillable array, adding the relationship function, and replacing:

$record->notes()->create(['content' => request()->note]);


$record->notes()->create(['content' => request()->note, 'user_id' => \Auth::user()->id]);
Apr '18

One of my projects features a survey / audit system for which I was tasked to provide an offline facility by allowing the download of fillable PDF forms, and then the subsequent re-upload and processing of them.

For the form generation and download I built a wrapper around TCPDF, which I may blog about one day, but it was an extremely involved process and today is not that day!

The import and processing routine I implemented using TCPDF (specifically this PDFTK library aliased as ‘PDFTK’ in my app configuration), and ended up being nicely self-contained:

 * Read fields from PDF file
 * @param string $path Path to PDF
 * @return array
public static function read($path) {
    $pdf = new \PDFRead($path, ['_command' => '/usr/bin/pdftk']);

    $ignore_fields = ['Validate', 'Submit', 'Reset', 'Print'];
    $ignore_values = ['Select...', 'Off'];

    if($data = $pdf->getDataFields()) {
        $values = collect($data->__toArray())->mapWithKeys(function($data_field) use ($ignore_fields, $ignore_values) {
            if(in_array($data_field['FieldName'], $ignore_fields))
                return [];

            if(isset($data_field['FieldValue'])) {
                $value = $data_field['FieldValue'];

                if($data_field['FieldType'] != 'Text' && in_array($data_field['FieldValue'], $ignore_values))
                    $value = '';
                $value = '';

            return [$data_field['FieldName'] => $value];

        $parsed_values = [];

        foreach($values as $key => $value) {
            if(preg_match('/(.*)\[([0-9\_]+)\]/', $key, $matches)) {
                    $parsed_values[$matches[1]] = [];

                $parsed_values[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $value;
                $parsed_values[$key] = $value;

        return $parsed_values;

Pass any filled PDF form through that function and it will return an array in the same format as you would get from any normal form submission.
Mar '18

Bit of a follow-on here from my post on record versioning. Versioning a record is all well and good, but often you would like to version the reccord’s relations too in order to make the record meaningful, provide context, provide metadata etc.

In the code below, the archive function on the parent model is triggered to create the archive (versioned) record. Note that I have added the with(‘notes’) call, which will add all related records from the ‘notes’ relation into the resulting array. As such this relation has been serialiasied with the parent record.

When the archive (versioned) record is deserialised we will then find that the ‘notes’ are attached to the copy of the parent model, but as simple arrays rather than objects. The custom ‘hydrateArchive’ function simply takes these arrays and turns them back into real models.

Parent Model

 * Archive
 * @return \App\Model\Archive
public function archive() {
    return $this->archives()->create([
        'data' => serialize($this->with('notes')->find($this->id)->toArray())

 * Custom archive hydrate
 * @return \App\Model\Base
public function hydrateArchive() {
        return $this;

    $this->notes = collect($this->notes)->map(function ($data) {
        return new \App\Model\Note($data);

    return $this;

Archive Record

 * Deserialise
 * @return \App\Model\Base
public function deserialise() {
    $deserialised = with(new $this->parent_type)->newFromBuilder(unserialize($this->data));
    return $deserialised->hydrateArchive();
Feb '18

So we all know about Laravel’s built-in ‘creating’, ‘created’, ‘updating’, ‘updated’ etc model events. Seriously useful events for all manner of purposes.

Recently I found myself needing to add a couple more; one to trigger when a model was loaded (for logging purposes), and one before a model was updated (so that I could archive a copy of it before the data was changed).

I came up with the following code and inserted it into an abstract base model class, which all the other models extend.

protected $observables = ['loaded', 'beforeUpdate'];

 * Register a loaded model event with the dispatcher.
 * @param  \Closure|string  $callback
 * @return void
public static function loaded($callback)
    static::registerModelEvent('loaded', $callback);

 * Register a before update model event with the dispatcher.
 * @param  \Closure|string  $callback
 * @return void
public static function beforeUpdate($callback)
    static::registerModelEvent('beforeUpdate', $callback);

 * Create a new model instance.
 * @param  array  $attributes
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|static
public function newFromBuilder($attributes = array(), $connection = null)
    $instance = parent::newFromBuilder($attributes);

    $instance->fireModelEvent('loaded', false);

    return $instance;

 * Trigger before update
 * @param  array  $attributes
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|static
public function update(array $attributes = [], array $options = [])
    $this->fireModelEvent('beforeUpdate', false);

    return parent::update($attributes);
Jan '18

I’ve tried various different mechanisms for versioning records over the years, but recently I’ve been tasked with creating a versioning solution that is unobtrusive, will bolt-on for an existing Laravel site, and which doesn’t require any structural changes to existing tables.

The way I decided to approach this was via an ‘Archive’ table (with associated model) with a polymorphic relation to the parent record, whatever it be, and a trait that could be applied to any other models and would automatically create a versioned copy on of the parent whenever it was saved. Broadly speaking it looks like this:


Schema::create('archives', function (Blueprint $table) {

    $table->index(['parent_id', 'parent_type']);


class Archive extends \Eloquent {

    protected $fillable = ['parent_id', 'parent_type', 'data'];

     * Parent relationship
    public function parent() {
        return $this->morphTo();

     * Deserialise / hydrate
     * @return \Eloquent
    public function deserialise() {
        $deserialised = new with($this->parent_type);
        return $deserialised;

In practice I would usually also store additional meta-data in the archive record, relating to the user that did the save, and any contextual information. Of course we’d want timestamps here too.


trait Archivable
     * Custom boot method
    public static function bootArchivable()
         * Trigger on update (nothing to archive on initial create)
        static::updating(function ($record) {

         * Trigger on delete
        static::deleting(function ($record) {

     * Archive relationship
    public function archives() {
        return $this->morphMany('\App\Model\Archive', 'parent')->orderBy('id', 'desc');

     * Clear all archives
    public function clearArchives() {

     * Archive
     * @return \App\Model\Archive
    public function archive() {
        return $this->archives()->create([
            'data' => serialize($this->getOriginal())

     * Get previous version
     * @return \Eloquent
    public function previousVersion() {
        if($archive = $this->archives->first()) {
            return $archive->deserialise();

     * Get all archives hydrated
     * @return Collection
    public function allArchives() {
        return $this->archives->map(function ($archive) {
            return $archive->deserialise();

So the entire parent record is serialised into the ‘data’ field of a new ‘Archive’ record each time the parent is updated. I’ve shown example accessors for previous version(s) with a deserialise/hydrate function to recreate the parent record from an archive.

Nov '17

I always make security my top priority in any application I build. This is fine when I build something from scratch, but when I inherit a site I often encounter some interesting challenges. In this instance I was building a new application to sit on an existing database, which was in pretty decent state other than the fact that all user records had MD5 passwords!
I couldn’t force all users to go through a password reset process, and I wasn’t going to start trying to crack all the passwords (yes, yes, I know that could have been done but it’s too black-hat for my taste), so I had to think of a mechanism to convert the passwords transparently to the users.
I came up with a system that overrides Laravel’s standard login function, within the Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers class to do the following:

  • Find the user being logged in by their email address
  • Check if the user record has been flagged as ‘safe’ (this is just an additional boolean column on the record)
  • If not it compares the user record’s password with an MD5 hash of the submitted password
  • If the MD5 hash matches then it produces a new secure hash (bcrypt is currently the Laravel standard) of the submitted password, stores it on the user record and flips the ‘safe’ flag
  • Then the main Laravel login function is called, which takes it all from there
use AuthenticatesUsers {
    login as coreLogin;
 * Handle a login request to the application.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function login(Request $request)
    $credentials = $this->getCredentials($request);

    if(!empty($credentials['email']) && !empty($credentials['password'])) {
        if($user = \App\Model\User::where('email', $credentials['email'])->where('active', true)->first()) {
            if(!$user->safe) {
                if($user->password == md5(trim($credentials['password']))) {
                    $user->password = \Hash::make(trim($credentials['password']));
                    $user->safe = true;

    return $this->coreLogin($request);

And there we have it. Anytime a user with an old password logs in they will have it transparently updated and secured.

Aug '17

Maybe a bit of a niche thing to to here, but I found myself needing to do this as part of the process of transparently transitioning a site from an older framework. In effect I had two different apps with mod_rewrite rules to determine which served which pages. Critical to this was that I needed to make sure that these pages shared authentication and session data.

To start I had to move the authentication logic into the new Laravel app, as this would become the gatekeeper and the primary source of the session data. Then for all pages being served by the old app, I came up with the following to be included in the front controller of the old app, before its own app was initialised (we’re assuming here that “LARAVEL_ROOT” has been defined as the path to the Laravel application root):

require_once LARAVEL_ROOT . '/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once LARAVEL_ROOT . '/bootstrap/app.php';

$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);

$response = $kernel->handle(
    $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()

if(!empty($_COOKIE[$app['config']['session.cookie']])) {
    $id = $app['encrypter']->decrypt($_COOKIE[$app['config']['session.cookie']]);

    if($app['auth']->check()) {

        Now I have access to the Laravel session via $app['session']->driver()
        e.g. $app['session']->driver()->get('site');

        And access to the auth logic via $app['auth']

        I can also call any registered facades too
        e.g. \Auth::user() \Request::get() etc

It’s best to to go too far off-piste here in terms of what you’re pulling out of your Laravel app, but it should give you all you need to share authentication and other critical session data.