Sep '12
With some cheeky regular expressions, converting an HTML table to CSV is actually very simple and efficient. Starting with the raw table markup in the variable $table_string you just need to do the following to store it as a CSV file:
$handle = fopen('output.csv', 'w'); if(preg_match_all('/<tr.*?>(.*?)<\/[\s]*tr>/s', $table_string, $row_matches)) { foreach($row_matches[1] as $product) { if(preg_match_all('/<t[dh].*?>(.*?)<\/[\s]*t[dh]>/s', $product, $data_matches)) { $product_data = array(); foreach($data_matches[1] as $data) { $product_data[] = strip_tags($data); } fputcsv($handle, $product_data); } } } fclose($handle);