Aug '14

I can’t believe it. I’ve just been convinced of a valid use-case for the ‘goto’ statement. I never ever thought this could happen, and admittedly it’s only really valid in procedural languages that don’t have built-in error or exception generation/handling. Yet still, for those PHP1 and POP11 programmers out there, here it is.
The valid use-case is emulating exception generation in a procedural environment. If ‘goto’ is used to trigger a terminal action as an exception within procedural code it actually kinda makes sense. The key point is the action being terminal (i.e. the last thing that happens before you exit) and there being no better built-in way of doing it.
From wherever you are in your code, if something goes wrong and you want to throw an exception then you are effectively jumping out of the normal flow, spitting out your exception and exiting. ‘Goto’ can achieve this within procedural code reasonable well and safely.

function thisIsMyFunction($this_is_a_var = false) {
     if($this_is_a_var) {
          //Happy path
     else {
          goto exception;

echo 'Well something went wrong there!';

Obviously that example was in PHP which is no longer a procedural language, but you get the idea.

I still haven’t found any good reason to use ‘eval’ though…

Aug '14

Bit of a fun one this time. I was having a look at some of the Stack Overflow Code Golf challenges and stumbled upon this challenge to make scripts that generate mathematical art in 140 characters or less, the idea being that you could tweet them if you so desired.

The code was mostly in C or C++ but I can read it well enough to transpose a couple of the best ones into PHP. The following to are examples of fractals; a Mandlebrot set and Julia set respectively and I think they’re amazing mathematically and beautiful aesthetically. I won’t post the generated images themselves as then you’ll miss out on the coolness of generating them yourselves. It staggers me that you can create such awesome images with so few lines of code.

Mandlebrot Set Fractal

ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('max_input_time', 0);

header("Content-type: image/png");

$dimension = 1200;
$y_offset = $dimension / 2;
$x_offset = 3 * ($dimension / 4);

$im = @imagecreatetruecolor($dimension, $dimension) or die('Cannot create image');

for($x = 0; $x < $dimension; $x++) {
    for($y = 0; $y < $dimension; $y++) {
        $k = find_k($x, $y);
        $red = red($k);
        $green = green($k);
        $blue = blue($k);
        $colour = imagecolorallocate($im, $red, $green, $blue);
        imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $colour);


function red($k) {
    return $k > 31 ? 256 : $k * 8;

function green($k) {
    return $k > 63 ? 256 : $k * 4;

function blue($k) {
    return log($k) * 47;

function find_k($i, $j) {
    global $x_offset, $y_offset;

    $x = 0;
    $y = 0;
    $k = 0;
    $big_x = 0;
    $big_y = 0;

    while($k++ < 256 && ($big_x + $big_y <= 4)) {
        $y = 2 * $x * $y + ($j - $y_offset) / $y_offset;
        $x = $big_x - $big_y + ($i - $x_offset) / $y_offset;
        $big_x = $x * $x;
        $big_y = $y * $y;

    return $k;

Julia Set Fractal

ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
ini_set('max_input_time', 0);

header("Content-type: image/png");

$dimension = 1024;

$im = @imagecreatetruecolor($dimension, $dimension) or die('Cannot create image');

for($x = 0; $x < $dimension; $x++) {
    for($y = 0; $y < $dimension; $y++) {
        $k = find_k($x, $y);
        $red = red($k);
        $green = green($k);
        $blue = blue($k);
        $colour = imagecolorallocate($im, $red, $green, $blue);
        imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $colour);


function red($k) {
    return 255 * pow(($k - 80) / 800, 3);

function green($k) {
    return 255 * pow(($k - 80) / 800, 0.7);

function blue($k) {
    return 255 * pow(($k - 80) / 800, 0.5);

function find_k($i, $j) {
    $x = 0;
    $y = 0;
    $k = 0;
    $big_x = 0;
    $big_y = 0;

    while($k++ < 880 && ($big_x + $big_y <= 4)) {
        $y = 2 * $x * $y + ($j * 0.000000008) - 0.645411;
        $x = $big_x - $big_y + ($i * 0.000000008) + 0.356888;
        $big_x = $x * $x;
        $big_y = $y * $y;

    return $k;

The algorithms are not my invention and I make no claim to them. I transposed them to PHP, added the image generation code and did a few optimisations but the core mathematical formulae were produced by much smarter people than myself!